St. Christopher’s embraces any opportunity for fellowship among parishioners, and it takes many forms here.

Our coffee hour after the service is well attended and well stocked with goodies to enjoy. It is a moment to unwind and relax with friends, share news and prayer requests, talk about the surrounding communities and our families, and build relationships with one another. These become celebrations when we have baptisms or confirmations. Cake is served, photos are taken, and extended families of the baptized and confirmed are welcomed to enjoy our food and fellowship.

Twice monthly, the Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets for delicious ‘home cooked’ brunch, bible study and prayer. Likewise, we have a chapter of the Daughters of the King who also meet for food, study, prayer and fellowship.

During Lent and Advent we have often had dinners in tandem with a specific study for the season, meeting once a week on Wednesday evenings. We have some small groups currently meeting, among them our Lunch Bunch bible study at noon on Wednesday, the Thursday DOK prayer group at 10am, and Vintage Hearts for dinner and fellowship once a month.

Throughout the year there will be various potlucks or dinners, usually serving to fund one of our Outreach projects.