The elections of our 2021 Vestry and Diocesan Council Reps will be adjusted this year due to limitations on in-person voting.

            The Voting window will open on Sunday, December 13 at 10:00 AM, and close at 4:00 pm Wednesday, December 23.  The Church office will provide both ballots and a copy of each candidate’s background info, at the Church, by email and, upon request, by US Mail.

            Members may vote in person on Sunday, December 13th  and 20th ,  by email or by US Mail. To vote in person,  please see Debbie, who is keeping track, and will have a sign-in sheet. To vote by email, please send your vote to Votes by US Mail should be postmarked not later than Wednesday, December 23. Those ballots should include the voter’s full name, phone number, and email address.

There are 3 positions open on the Vestry, and  3 for Diocesan Council, plus 2 alternates.

The Candidates for Vestry are:

John “Jay” Sproul

Judy Van Riper

Jayne Doxsey

Pam Clancy

Beth Bodkin

The candidates for Delegates to Diocesan Council


Beth Bodkin

Dana Karcher

John Ott

JoAnn Carthey

The candidates for Alternates to Diocesan Council:

Barnett Carthey

Dana Karcher

Penny Gillespie

Attached is a Ballot and the candidates’ bios

If sending by email or US Mail, don’t worry about the ballot #, I will assign you a number when I receive it. -Debbie